323 Projects Presents OCTOBER SURPRISE
October 1 – November 30, 2012
• OCTOBER SURPRISE is a group exhibition highlighting audio work pertaining to democracy and politics, freedom of speech and the current American election.
• Come to the Opening Friday October 5 from 6-9PM. Attend without going anywhere by calling (323) 843-4652.
• 323 Projects is an exhibition venue that exists as a phone number: (323) 843-4652 visitors call to experience contemporary art 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
An "October Surprise" is a news story or event breaking in October that dramatically influences public opinion and possibly the outcome of a November election. Famous October Surprises include LBJ halting bombings in North Vietnam, Nixon's "secret plan" to end the Vietnam War, the ghost of the Iran-Contra scandal impacting George Bush Sr.'s re-election bid, and the revelation of George W. Bush's drunk driving record. This exhibition takes the idea of an October Surprise as inspiration to examine the American election process, democratic participation, political news, as well as public embarrassment and grand failure. Callers to 323 Project’s telephone gallery will hear a cycling selection of original works made specifically for this exhibition, as well as found sound appropriated from a variety of sources like pop music and news reports.
323 Projects invites you to hear OCTOBER SURPRISE by calling (323) 843-4652 or (323) TIE-IN-LA. The show is open all day and all night, every day of the week.
Audio tracks will cycle in and out throughout the course of the exhibition, so visitors are encouraged to call back over the duration of the entire show to hear each work. Callers are also invited to contribute to the exhibition by leaving audio using the gallery’s voicemail service. If you want to contribute a recording using the gallery's voicemail system please say your name before leaving your recording. Select recordings will be added as the exhibition progresses.
Becky Grajeda soundcloud.com/bgrajeda
Bruce Conover
Christian Cummings christiancummingsart.com/
Davey Whitcraft daveywhitcraft.com
David Gutierrez davidgutierrezstudio.com
Mannlicher Carcano submitted by Doug Harvey dougharvey.la
Emi Tamaru emimilk.com
Frownland & Patrice Tullai & Kurt Elzner
Hazel Mandujano
Johanna Reed johannareed.net
Josh Forbes & Anna Magnuson
Karl Jean Petion soundcloud.com/jean-de-bassecour
Kiki Seror
Lorenzo Hurtado Segovia hurtadosegovia.com
Marcus Blake
Matias Viegener
Michael Dee & Anders Lansing
Michelle Wiener michellewiener.com
Olga Koumoundouros
Roy Neel
Sean Flaherty flahertystudio.com
Stephen van Dyck
Tucker Neel tuckerneel.com
Uranium Orchard
Toban Nichols tobannichols.com
this image goes with Toban Nichol's work:

& more to come...
323 Projects is an innovative exhibition venue that exists as a phone number visitors can call to access contemporary art. To visit 323 Projects simply call (323) 843-4652 or (323) TIE-IN-LA.
323 Projects exists to provide a dispersed, peripatetic, and constantly accessible venue for artists of all kinds who seek to explore issues important to their respective practices. The artists involved with 323 Projects provide, create, or perform works that can be appreciated in bits and pieces, at more than one time, in both public and private spaces, by an unseen, yet omnipresent, local and international audience.
Tucker Neel is the Founder and Director of 323 Projects.